Oregon History

Oregon’s racist past part two 1920-today: A timeline of exclusion, segregation, trauma… & repair attempts

This post is the second part to last week’s focus of Oregon’s racist past before 1920. Together Anywhere develops new ways to travel, through innovative application of modern technologies. We provide unique experiences and connection through entertainment, education, nature and community. As we stand by our mission, we would be complicit to not recognize what is […]

Oregon History

Oregon’s racist past part one BCE – 1920: A timeline of exclusion, segregation & trauma

Together Anywhere develops new ways to travel, through innovative application of modern technologies. We provide unique experiences and connection through entertainment, education, nature and community. As we stand by our mission, we would be complicit to not recognize what is going on across our state, our country, and our world right now.  As we haveContinue reading “Protected: A timeline of race and trauma in Oregon”